The best way to keep your premiums low and your bills at zero is to take care of yourself. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle are sure to offset those extra dollars you are looking to avoid paying.

Take care
of yourself

We'll find exactly what you’re looking for

Health insurance has become a hot topic over these past few years and politics aside it is smart to have. Many times we’re stuck providing it for ourselves and that’s where we at Cohen Insurance Agency, LLC we can help. Our team will work directly with you to make sure you get the best coverage possible at the very best rate we can offer. From basic plans to long term coverage let’s see what we can do for you.


In addition to our health coverage, we can also look to add full dental and vision to whatever plan you are carrying. Our professionals will inquire about all extras upon consult and together we will determine not only if it is needed, but if it is necessary. We aren’t here to give you any more than you need. You come first at Cohen Insurance Agency, LLC and we intend to prove that from the very moment we meet throughout our time as your provider.

Top class service at amazing rates. Get coverage now.

Make the most of your health insurance by taking great care of yourself. This keeps premiums low and visits to a minimum. A healthy life is a happy life.

Health Insurance

“All Lines of Insurance”

321-446-9612 or 631-588-2624